Saturday 28 May 2022

WHOLE GREEN LENTILS CURRY#பச்சைப் பயிறுக் குழம்பு

Whole green lentils are one of the plant based protein sources.

They are heavily loaded with essential amino acids that our body is unable to produce on its own.

Moong beans are richly packed with vitamins, minerals, high protein  and fiber.
They are good source of antioxidants that may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They protect our body from free radical damage. Studies shows that these beans may lower " BAD LDL CHOLESTEROL".

Potassium, Magnesium and fiber are rich in these lentils.
Mung beans contain folate, Iron, protein all of which needed by pregnant and lactating women.

Whole gram Lentils are delicious, versatile and easy to make and can be added in our regular diet.

Usually we make green gram dal weekly twice either Whole dal curry or kootu with greens such as siru keerai, Kuppai maeni keerai such soft greens or with veggies. We love to consume with generous quantity of fresh ghee.

We can learn how to make Whole dal curry here.

How to make?

Whole green lentils 
Castor oil
Water as needed
Cold pressed Groundnut oil 
Mustard seeds 
Cumin seeds
Green Chilly
Dry red Chilly
Curry leaves
Coriander greens
Rock salt
Fresh Cow ghee


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