Saturday 5 March 2022

GREEN PEAS PULAO#MATAR PULAO#பச்சைப் பட்டாணி பிரியாணி

This Green peas pulao is made in just within 30 minutes or less.
This is one pot meal.

This is a popular dish all over India although it is enjoyed as special North Indian meal during winter months.

Vegan and gluten free meal.

Fresh peas are used to make this heavenly dish.

This is a quick, filling and flavourful one pot meal that is more yummy 😋,  nutritious and healthy carb cravings.

Peas are high source of Vitamin C and E, zinc and other antioxidants that strengthen your immune system. Other nutrients  vitamin A and B and coumestrol, help reduce Inflammation and lower your risk of chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

Peas contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. These Nutrients help protect our eyes from chronic diseases such as cataracts and age related macular degeneration. Lutein and zeaxanthin act as filters from harmful blue light which contributes to cataracts and macular degeneration.

Peas also have a low glycemic index. In addition, Magnesium,  Potassium and other minerals found in Peas can lower your risk of blood pressure. 

Fresh peas add more taste to this meal. Fresh peas are available in winter season. we can store
the peas as frozen peas year-round, we can make anytime all over the season.

How to make ?

STEP by step video captures

I used India gate Dubar Basmati Rice here.
Rinse the rice twice
Soak the rice in two cups of water.
Let soaking for 30 minutes.

Drain completely.

Add 1.5 cups Water. 

Add one teaspoon of Ghee.

Stir well to combine

cover and pressure cook on Simmer heat until the first whistle about to start.
Turn off the heat. Let sit for pressure release of its own time. Open and observe how it cooked fluffy and perfect texture.

Set aside.


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