Wednesday 26 January 2022


 VALLARAI is popularly known as Brain Booster.
from time immemorial. Vallarai has been used as a medicine in Ayurveda tradional treatment in India and listed in "SUSHRUTA SAMHITA" OF INDIAN MEDICINAL TEXT.

Vallarai is an aquatic runner herb easily grown in rectangular pots of home garden and swampy areas of field. 

It's Botanical name is CENTELLA ASIATICA.


Gotu kola in Hindi
Vallarai in Tamil
Mandukaparni in Sanskrit
Indian Pennywort in English

Recent scientific research studies reveal that Vallarai has multi fold health benefits given below:

Vallarai protects Whole nervous system and rejuvenate brain cells. It enhances the memory power. It calms the brain activities during mental stress and anxiety and treats insomnia, depression,  Alzhhemier's disease.

Vallarai acts as a blood purifier,  treats high blood pressure and thereby promotes longevity of life.

According to Indian medical system,  it cools the body so it pavifues PITTA and cures hyperacidity,
and ulcers and keeps digestive system healthy and comfort.

Rich in Iron, Calcium,  Vitamin A, Vitamin C and minerals.
It has all the nutrient-suppliments required for healthy blood circulation and smart brain activities. 

It is good for treating joint pains.It is good for skin and hair growth.

We need to include this amazing greens in our regular diet once in 10 days to acquire its immense health benefits.

There are so many tasty sides using this greens in cooking.

One of the Super beneficial recipes is VALLARAI KEERAI PORIAL/STIRFRY. 

How to make

It's very easy procedure.


Vallarai Keerai leaves one big bowlful
Shallots 1/2 cup
Turmeric  1/4 tsp
Red Chillies 2 pcs Split
Rock salt 1/2 tsp
Groundnut oil 2 tbsp
Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
Whole UrD dal 3/4 tsp
Shredded Coconut 1/2 cup
Water 3/4 cup

Pluck the leaves and rinse twice.
Chop them leaves using a scissor.

Heat oil on medium heat. 

Add Mustard seeds to splutter.
Once the Mustard seeds start spluttering, add urad dal.

Add Red chillies..
Lower the flame and  saute 
Add Shallots and saute for a while until shallots fried translucent. 

Add turmeric.

Transfer the rinsed and chopped Vallarai greens and saute until the green leaves shrinken.
Add rock salt and water.

Cook until the greens soft and no water remains. 
Transfer the shredded Coconut and mix to combine.

Note:We can use bellary onion replacing Shallots.
We can add generous quantity of coconut to
trigger the taste of greens.Onion and coconut balances the bitterness and enhance the taste.

Turn off the heat.
Ready to serve.

Serve with hot steamed Rice topping with a dollop of Desi Ghee.

Thanks for visiting
Lots of ❤ 
Mrs SuloSundar 


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