Friday 2 July 2021


A delicious must try is Indian Mango kulfi during the last summer days when plenty of Mango variety is available.

This dessert involes a little effort to make the milk to concentrated but interesting and worthful.

This real fruity-milky Kulfis are really amazing in taste and appealing smooth texture.


How to make this blissful Mango kulfis? 

I used malgova mango fruit variety here. You can use any variety of mangoes that are all graceful to make amazingly tasteful.


Malgova Mango fully ripen 1 pc
Condensed milk, Nestle 200 gm
Full fat Desi cow milk (I used Gir cow milk here)
4 cups
Pistachios flakes 1 tbsp
Saffron Strands 1/2 tsp
Crushed fresh Cardamom seeds 1/4 tsp
Cornflour 2 tbsp +15 ml water


Heat a large sauce pan with milk on medium heat.

Bring to boil.

Simmer the flame.

Stir occasionally and scrap all over the sides.

Let boiling on Simmer heat until the milk thickened to half of the volume ( 2 cups )

Turn off the heat.

Mix the Cornflour with water in a small bowl.

Pour the Cornflour Mix to the hot milk and stir well to mix.

Halwa texture.No need to worry about the lumps. It will be well combined while we blend  in mixer.

Set aside. Let it cool down completely.

STEP two:

Wash the Mango and cut longitudinally.
Make cubes and Scoop out.

Add the Mango cubes into mixer jar.

Pour condensed milk

Transfer the milk-corn mixture.

Add crushed Cardamom seeds.

Blend for 5 seconds to combine all the ingredients together.

Observe smooth and silky consistency. 

Add Pistachios flakes.

Add Saffron Strands.

Pulse for a second.

Fill the kulfi moulds.
You can get six kulfis for the measurement of the ingredients above Mentioned.

Cover with lids or alumnium foil. You can insert stick in each mould.

Place the kulfi mould set in freezer compartment.
Let freezing for overnight or 8 hours.

Take out and let cool down for five seconds.

Take out the kulfi from mould.

Serve chilled.

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