Saturday 5 June 2021


Carrot top greens have a peculiar flavour similar to parsely greens. They lend some sort of aroma to various dishes. 

We may garnish the meal/salad with these beautiful Carrot greens. We can make South indian version of vadai, Bonda and adai by using this green top of carrots.

I made Chutney/Thuvaiyal in our South Indian version style. It tastes great with Idlis, Dosas and rice.

We can call it as South Indian pesto. 

Here is that tasty recipe!
Typical Kongu version!


Carrot top greens one bowlful
Choose tender leaves
Coldpressed Groundnut oil 3 tbsp 
Dry Red Chillies 3 pcs
Garlic cloves 4 pcs
Split Chana Dal 75 gm
Tamarind, Gooseberry size
Curry leaves  2 stigs
Asafoetida 2 pinches 
Himalayan pink rock salt 3/4 tsp
Shredded Coconut 1.5 cups
Jaggery powder 3/4 tsp
Water 50 ml



STEP by step Procedure including images

Heat the pan with Groundnut oil on medium flame 
Add three red Chillies
Saute until puffed.


Add peeled garlic cloves.
Saute for a second.

Add Split Chana dal

Saute until golden brown. 

Add Tamarind and saute for a second.

Add Curry leaves

Sprinkle Asafoetida 

Add Salt

Add Rinsed Carrot greens.

Saute for 5 seconds

Transfer the shredded Coconut

Turn off the heat
Saute in the heat of the pan.

Add jaggery powder 

Set aside to cool down.
Add water to the mixer jar.
Transfer the sauteed ingredients 
Grind until coarse paste.

Ready to serve

This Chutney/Thuvaiyal pairs very well with Idlis, Dosas and hot steamed Rice with a dash of ghee.

Highlights of Carrot greens:

Carrot greens contain an array of Nutrients such as significant amounts of Vitamin A, C, K, Calcium, Iron and dietary fibers. And also packed with phenolic compounds and Carotenoids along with traces of antioxidants.

Moreover, these greens are compounds of rich
chlorophyll  that are an excellent source of magnesium which promotes healthy blood pressure as well as strong bones and muscle-efficiency.
It is high in Potassium contents also.

                                    Source Credit Google

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