Sunday 27 December 2020



 Plum cake refers to a cake made with dry fruits or fresh fruits. It had been said that english calonial people of Britain bought the dried fruit cake with them. In India  it was served during Christmas Holiday Celebrations but in american calony, it was associated with election so it had been called as election cake. It is not known how it is called as plum cake and the raisins and currants were also called as plum in England. This cake is made with rich volume of Raisins and hence the name.
Some people made with rum-soaked dry fruits and some made This cake with brandy- soaked dry fruits Some people do not use any alcohol. Every country, Every family has its own variation of This recipe. Yet all of them don't use one common ingredient, that is plum. Instead they make with canned fruits or candied dry fruits and nuts of their choice.

This plum cake packed with rich dried fruits and various nuts flavoured with Orange and lemon zest in a dense texture. It is being  traditional prepared on the eve of CHRISTMAS Festival but nowadays we can see the display of plum cakes for sale  in almost all bakeries across the world.

With high content of raisins and other dry fruits and good quantity of various nuts, the cake can improve our overall health and boost our immune. When we make this cake with such healthy fruits, nuts and spices. We can boldly say that we have baked a Nutritious dessert for our loved ones.



STEP one:

Candied dry berries and fruits 150 gms
(Candied Kiwi, Pine apple, Mango, Crane berries  Strawberry berries,  Papaya and Pomeilo )  
Golden Raisins and black raisins each 50 gms
Butter 2 tbsp
Cane sugar 100gm
Water 1/2 cup/100 ml
Deseeded Dates 50 MG
Almonds, Pistachios and Cashews nuts each 25 gm
Lemon 1/2 tsp
Orange zest 1 tsp
Orange juice 50 ml


Heat the Butter, Cane sugar and dry Candied fruits until thick consistency.
Stir occasionally on medium heat.
Now the dry fruits get softened and fluffy.
Set aside to cool down.
Add Deseeded Dates and chopped nuts
Add Lemon zest and Orange zest
Add Orange juice
Mix thoroughly.
Set aside.

STEP two:


All purpose flour 1.5 cups
Baking powder 1 tsp
Powder Salt 1/4 tsp
Cinnamon , dry ginger and nutmeg 1:1:1 ground
Powder 1 tsp


Mix the dry ingredients well.

STEP three:


Butter 100 gm
Cane Sugar 100 gm
Eggs 3 pcs
Mixed Dry Ingredients 
Mixed Fruits and nuts mixture
Butter 1 tsp to apply over the cake pan.


Blend the Butter in a dry mixing bowl until soft fluffy texture
Add Cane sugar and blend again to be well combined.
Add egg one at a time and blend to combine well.
Add dry flour mix in three batches and blend until well combine everything. 
Add cooked dry fruits and nut mix and Fold several times .
Apply Butter over all the sides of dry cake pan.
Transfer the cake mix.
Clean the edges with a tissue paper.
Preheat the oven at 180° C
Bake the cake for 50 minutes at 180 °C.
If you want crackless cake loaf, do bake at 160 °C for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Set aside to cool down.
Slice the loaf cake.
Enjoy the cake with your near and dear ones

Preparation time 30 minutes  baking time: 50 minutes.


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