Thursday 27 August 2020


Vanilla muffins with chocolate chips are absolutely scrumptious, moist and super soft. The perfect kids special and adults on the go. They are so delicious and super easy to make at our home. W

Muffins are always loved by all because they are very quickly prepared and served on any occasion. They are enriched with chocolate chips that are melting in our mouth.  

How to make the vanilla muffins with chocolate chips embedded?


All purpose flour 1.5 cups
Corn flour 75 gm
Baking powder 1.5 tsp
Cooking Soda 1.5 tsp
Powdered Brown Sugar 1 cup
Powdered Himalayan pink rock salt 1 tsp
Eggs 3 pcs
Vanilla essence 1.5 tsp
Sunflower Oil 60 ml
Boiling Water 1/2 cup 
Chocolate chips 3/4 cup 


Sift All-purpose flour, baking powder, cooking Soda together five times for getting even mixture of cake  base flour.

In a dry mixing bowl, pour the egg yolks by cracking the Eggs.
Beat them with a electric blender until pale and fluffy for atleast 10 minutes.

Add Powdered Sugar and Beat again to combine.

Pour vanilla essence and Beat once for well combining

Add the flour in batches while Stirring.

Heat the Sunflower Oil for 2 seconds.
Add boiling Water with Sunflower Oil, hot and stir to combine.

Pour the Oil water mix to the batter.

Fold several times to combine.

Add chocolate chips and Fold over gently.

Note the batter should be thick to hold the chocolate chips.

STEP three:

Preheat the microwave oven in convection mode at 190° C.
Meanwhile place the paper mould in எச் cavity of the muffins pan.
Scoop the batter in each muffins mould upcoming the brim level.
Place the filled pan on lower rack in oven.
Set the temperature of baking for 26 minutes at 190°C.
Let baking.
Once the oven beeps, switch off the oven.
Remove the baked pan out and let cool down.
Demould the muffins and place it on a dry plate.

Muffins are ready to be served.

They can be stored in an airtight container in room temperature for two days. 

Cooking time 30 minutes
Yield 12 muffins out of the given quantity of the ingredients.


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