Saturday 1 August 2020

BRINJAL SABZI/BAINGAN SABZI/பாரம்பரிய கத்தரிக்காய் புளிக்குழம்பு/बैंगन सब्ज़ी

Here is a super-delicious and flavourful curry prepared with the goodness of fresh brinjals in the tangy base. The  highlight of this sabzi is the most tempting flavour that comes from the perfect blend of salt, jaggery powder, sambar powder, tamarind extract, asafoetida two pinches, Sesame oil and curry leaves 
This is the most popular kuzhambu almost all the villages of Tamilnadu. It is normally served with hot steamed rice for lunch.

Preparation Time 10 minutes.
Cooking Time 15 minutes
Yield two servings

You can multiply the quantity of the ingredients above mentioned, according to your need.


Brinjals 12 pcs
Tamarind gooseberry size
Water 200 ml
Tomato one
Peeled and chopped shallots 8 pcs
Curry leaves 10 pcs
Groundnut oil 2 tbsp
Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
Turmeric 1/4 tsp
Sambar powder 3/4 tsp
Asafoetida 2 pinches
Jaggery powder 1 tsp
Himalayan Pink Rock Salt 3/4 tsp
Water 100 ml
Chopped coriander greens a fistful
Coldpressed Sesame oil 1 tbsp


Soak tamarind in water for 15 minutes.
Squeeze the tamarind and take the extract and set aside.
Chop the brinjals into 8 parts and soak in water to retain its colour.
Chop the tomato.
Peel off the shallots and chop into pieces.
Heat the groundnut oil on medium flame.
Add mustard seeds to pop up.
Once they start crackling add shallots, curry leaves.
Saute for a while until the shallots turn translucent.
Add turmeric, sambar powder and asafoetida.
Add tomato and chopped brinjals.
Saute for five seconds.
Add tamarind extract, jaggery powder and salt.
Add 100 ml of water.
Let cooking until the brinjals turn soft.
Pour sesame oil 1 tbsp and add coriander greens.
Mash the veggie we../

Brinjal sabzi is ready..
It goes very well with hot steamed rice, Dosa and idlis,


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