Sunday 12 July 2020


Porial is a traditional recipe of South India, especially in Tamil Nadu. It is named as Palya or Sukka in Karnataka, Thoran in Kerala and Porutu in Andra. Beans porial is best served with Hot steamed rice, Sambar, Rasam and curd or buttermilk.

Shallow-fried with few spectacular spices along with Curry leaves, Coriander greens and shredded Coconut.

Country broad beans 250 gms
Groundnut oil 1 tbsp
Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
Whole urad dal 1 tsp
Chopped shallots 8-10 pcs
Green chilly one optional
Curry leaves 10-15 pcs
Turmeric 1/2 tsp
Water 25 ml
Himalayan pink rock salt 1/2 tsp
Chopped coriander greens a fistful
Shredded coconut 1 tbsp optional


Step one

Snap off the both the ends of beans veggie and pull off the fibrous strings along the both sides. Discard them. Cut into fine slices. There will be no strings and seeds developed in the beans. So we can simply cut off them If we chose young beans. 
Wash the slices thoroughly and set ready.

Step two:

Heat the wok or pan with groundnut oil.
Throw mustard seeds.
Once they start crackling, add whole urad dal.
Let them fried for a while.
Heat should be checked then and there on low-medium flame.
Add chopped shallots, green chilly and curry leaves.
Saute them until shallots fried tranparent.
Add turmeric.
Saute for a second.
Transfer the rinsed beans slices.
Add rock salt.
Add 25 ml watee.
Mix to combine.
Cover and cook around 8 minutes until veggie cooked soft.
Open and check if  water exhausted.
Add coriander greens.
Mix to infuse its fantastic smell.
Add shredded coconut (Optional)
Turn off the heat immediately.
Note: If we add coconut, it will be fresh for around four hours. 
If we don't add coconut, it will be fresh for more than five hours.
Mix to combine.
Lovely green beans stirfry/Porial is ready to serve.
It can be paired with Rotis and Chapatis.

Cooking time 20 minutes
Yield 2 liberal servings


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