Friday 29 May 2020

MELT IN MOUTH GULABJAMUNS/நாவூறும் குலாப் ஜாமுன்/गुलाब जमुनस

Gulab Jamuns are milk solid based sweet, popular in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Maldives, Mauritius, Fiji, South Africa and the Caribbean countries. Gulab jamuns are literally translated as Rose berries, Rose refers to Gulab and berries means purple coloured berries.

It is traditionally made from Khoya that is reducing milk to the consistency of a soft dough. Modern recipes of Gulab jamuns call for dried milk powder instead of khoya. It is often topped with fakes of Pistachios or Almonds with saffrons.

How can we make Lucious Gulab jamuns at home?

  • Before we are going to prepare, the important tips and tricks we should go through.
  • The dough should be firm and soft but pliable and should not feel dry. If it dry, add little milk to work the dough again to form no crack balls.
  • We should heat the ghee or oil or oil+ghee on medium flame till a bit of dough dropped in comes up at once, Then the heat is reduced to the low level. Maintain the low-medium heat, we should deep fry the dough balls.
  • We should make sticky sugar syrup.
  • Once the syrup is ready.  switch off the flame.
  • Once the fried balls take out and collected on a dry plate we have to wait for five seconds and drench all the balls into the sugar syrup.
  • We need not reheat it again.
  • Allow soaking in sugar syrup for an hour and serve. 

Semolina 1 tbsp
Water  1 tbsp
Milk powder (Nestle)  one bowl/200 gm
All-purpose flour/Maida 1 tbsp
Baking powder 1/2 tsp
Homemade butter at room temperature one tbsp
Boiled milk at room temperature 3 tbsp
OIl/Ghee to deep fry
Sugar 450 gms
Water 2.5 cups
Cardamoms 4-5 pcs
Saffron one pinch optional
Half lemon


Step one:

Soak Semolina with one tbsp water.
Set aside for 10 minutes
Mix the milk powder, All-purpose flour and baking powder in a dry mixing bowl.
Mix well to combine.
Add butter and mix to crumble.
Transfer the soaked Rava paste to the mixture.
Add milk a little by little while kneading.
We have to very careful in adding the milk.
We should add milk until soft pliable dough.
Once we attained soft dough, stop adding the milk.
Keep covered for 10 minutes.
Make grapefruit-like balls and place them on a dry plate.

Step Two:

Heat the vessel containing sugar and water on high flame.
Bring to boil until sticky sugar syrup.
Add cardamoms split to the syrup.
We may opt for saffrons one pinch in this stage.
Squeeze lemon juice and stir to combine.
Switch off the flame and set aside ready.

Step Three:

Heat the oil or ghee or oil+ghee mixture to a deep-fry temperature.
Check the oil temperature by dropping a small bit dough.
If it rises to the top, reduce the heat to low-medium
Lower all the balls one by one carefully in hot oil.
Allow frying until golden brown.
Drain the oil and collect them on a dry plate.
Wait for five seconds only.

Step Four:

Lower the fried balls into the hot sugar syrup.
No need to reheat the syrup with balls again.
Let the balls soaked for one hour.

Transfer some balls in a glass bowl.
Garnish with Almond flakes.
Drizzle with the remaining sugar syrup

Ready to serve hot/cool/room temperature.
Enjoy the Luscious dessert!



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