Sunday 22 March 2020

BARNYARD MILLET IDLIS/குதிரைவாலி இட்லி

Barnyard millet is known as குதிரைவாலி in Tamil, Udalu in Telugu, Oodalu in Kannada, Sanwa rice in Hindi, Shyama in Bengali, Moraiyo in Gujarati. It tastes like broken rice when cooked.

Barnyard millet is a good source of low caloried protein.
Since it is a low carbohydrate content, it is highly recommended as the best cereal for the patients suffering with cardio vascular disease and type 2 Diabetes.

This millet is also a gluten free cereal like all the millets.
It is a great source of iron.
Since it consists of the good source of dietary fibers, it prevents bloating and Cramping and constipation.


Barnyard millet 3 cups/500 g
Whole urad dal. 3/4 cup
Fenugreek seeds 1 tsp
Castor seeds 6-7 (hull removed)
Water as needed to soak the lentils and rice.
Coldpressed gingelly oil 1/4 tsp
Himalayan pink rock salt 3/4 tsp
Water as needed to grind.


Soak the millet and urad dal+Fenugreek seeds separately in water for three hours.
Rinse them until clear water.
Grind the urad dal and fenigreek seeds adding 1/2 a cup water until smooth and fluffy.
Tranfer the thick urad batter to the larger vessel.
In the same mixer-jar add the soaked and drained millet.
Remove the hulls of castor seeds.
Add the castor white pulps.
Grind using one cup of water until thin smooth runny Batter.

Add salt and grind again to mix well.
Now transfer the batter and mix with Urad dal batter.
Mix well in one direction.
Cover and set aside for overnight or 7 hours
Let the batter gets fermented for more than seven hours.
Mix the fermented batter again.
Pour one lit water in idli steamer.
Heat the steamer to the boiling point.
Place the idli-mould plat and apply gingelly oil in each mould using a brush.
Now pour the batter in each mould.
Cover the idli steamer and steam Cook for 8-10 minutes.
Splash some water and set for a while.
Renove the idlis gently.
Serve hot or warm...


Since the time immemorial, we, Kongu Folks have been adding a lumited no of castor seeds for making Idlis, Fenugreek idlis and millet Idlis. We remove the hull (toxic) and grind the white pulp with the rice. Don't add the castor seeds while grinding the urad dal batter. It reduces the fluffiness of urad batter. Add with the rice while grinding.

The benefits include
- make idlis softer and spongy.
- since it contain castor oil, it supports to lubricate the digestive tracts entirely.
It relieves the constipation.

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