Sunday 13 October 2019


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Have you ever tried this crispy outside soft inside cashew nut pakodas with a fantastic mint flavour during the rainy day evening?
If not, this is the perfect season for enjoying this great accompaniment with hot piping Ginger tea in the evening. Just give a try!

Hot Cashewnut Pakodas are very crisp and crunchy-munchy when compared to other variations because the dough should be consumed very less water.

How to make?

Whole cashew nuts 75 grams
Besan flour 200 gms
Raw rice flour 100gms 
Cooking Soda /4 tsp
Rock sal 3/4 tsp
Fennel seeds 3/4 tsp
Water 50 ml
Grated ginger 1 tbsp
Chopped Bellary onion 3/4 cup
Finely chopped green chillies 2 pcs
Chopped fresh curry leaves 15 pcs
Mint green leaves, a fistful
Coriander greens,  a few
Groundnut OIl 400 ml to deep-fry


Mix all the ingredients into a semi-dry dough in a dry mixing bowl.
Heat the oil to deep-fry temperature.on medium heat
Check by dropping a diny bit of the dough. If it rises up, the temperature is perfect to deep-fry.
Now, drop the dough portions roughly shaped into the oil.
Allow deep fry until oil bubbles subside.
Take out and place them on oil absorbent tissue towels.
Deep fry the remaining dough in batches.( 6-7 pcs per batch)

Enjoy with a hot piping Ginger Tea!

Cooking Time 10 minutes
Preparation time 10 minutes
Yield: 2 generous servings


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