Tuesday 13 August 2019


Onion Pakoda is one of the most irresistible monsoon snacks to binge on with family and friends. Perfect evening Tea time pakodas with a piping hot tea. 
It is very easy to prepare. 

The ingredients, we need:

Bellary onions 2 pcs
Ginger 2 inches
Besan flour 100 gms
Raw rice flour 50 gms
Red Chilly powder 1/2 tsp
Green chilly 1 pc
Fennel Seeds 1/2 tsp
Asafoetida 1 pinch
Salt 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves 20 pcs roughly chopped
Coriander greens a fistful chopped
Cooking Soda 1 pinch
Groundnut Oil to fry


Prep Time 10 minutes
Cooking Time 10 minutes
Servings 2 persons

Slice the onions lengthwise. Place them in a dry bowl.
Squeeze to separate each rind.
Add salt and red chilly powder.
Combine together.
Rest for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, Chop the green chilly, curry leaves and coriander greens.
Grate the ginger.
Add Raw rice flour, Besan flour and cooking soda.
Mix well to coat the onion.
Add green chilly, curry leaves and coriander greens, Ginger and fennel seeds
Mix to combine.
Splash some water if needed. 
Heat the pan with groundnut oil on medium flame.
Once the oil reaches frying temperature, take one tsp hot oil and add to the dough.
Knead again for a while.
Drop the dough roughly shaped, through your fingers into the hot oil carefully.
Allow deep-frying until golden brown.
Once the oil bubbles become less, take out the pakodas and wait to drain the excess oil
by holding the slotted spoon right above the hot oil.
Place the pakodas on paper towels to absorb the excess oil.
Repeat the process for the remaining dough.

Ready to enjoy!

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