Friday 5 October 2018


Ridge gourd gravy is one of the favorite accompaniments to the hot steamed rice. 

How to make?


Young Ridge Gourds 400 gms
Shallots 15 peeled and chopped
Green Chillies 2 pcs slit
Curry leaves 20-25 pcs
Coriander greens a fistful
Groundnut Oil 1 tbsps
Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
Rock Salt  3/4 Tsp
Turmeric 1/2 Tsp
Boiled milk 50 ml
Cumin Seeds 1 Tsp


Wash the ridge gourd thoroughly.
Scrape the ridges and hard skin.
Chop them into cubes.
Heat the pan with Groundnut OIl.
Add mustard seeds to crackle.
Once they start to crackle, add shallots, slit green chillies and curry leaves.
Saute until the shallots turn translucent.
Add turmeric.
Transfer the veggie to the pan.
Add salt. 
Sprinkle some water.
Cover and cook for 5 minutes on medium heat.
Rub the cumin seeds and add to the cooked veggie.
Add Coriander greens.
Stir to combine.

Set aside to cool down.

Transfer the contents to the mixer Jar.
Blend to a coarse paste. 
Don't add water.
Transfer the cooked contents to the serving bowl.
Pour the milk and mix gently.

Now the Milky Ridge gourd gravy is ready to have with the hot steamed rice.

Happy cooking! 

Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Yield:4 servings

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