Wednesday 17 October 2018


One of the most delicious accompaniments of Idlis, Dosas, Uthappams, Pongal, Appams, Paniyarams and other South Indian Dishes.

How to make?


Dry Groundnuts 200 g
Shredded Coconut 100 g
Garlic pods 3 pcs
Curry leaves 20-25 pcs( should be young and fresh is good for health)
Jaggery a small size to be powdered
Tamarind one marble size
Asafoetida 2 pinches
Dry red chillies 5 pcs
Coriander greens, one handful
Rock Salt 1/2 Tsp
Water 100 ml


Dry roast the groundnuts on medium heat.
Set aside to cool down.
Transfer all the ingredients above mentioned to the mixer jar.
Grind @ high Speed to coarse-textured paste.

Peanuts Chutney/Groundnut Chutney/Manila Chutney is ready to enjoy with Dosas! Idlis! Uthappams and other main dishes of South India.
You can spread it on a bread and make a delicious sandwich.
You can match it with pooris, chappathis and rotis. It suits every main dish and the taste is high!

Give a try!
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