Friday 14 September 2018


Kozhukkattai is a  sweet dumpling offered as special neivedyam  to Lord Shree Ganesha, the God of new beginnings and the remover of obstacles. Festival celebrations began yesterday and will continue for 10 days. There are several sweet versions and savory versions of preparing kozhukkattais. The most popular method is filling with grated coconut and jaggery into the rice flour dumplings that are being steamed and offered to Him as Neivedyam and served as Prasad to the devotees.

Ingredients that are needed:

Kozukkattai Raw Rice flour /Idiappam raw rice flour (Processed and available at grocery stores) 250 gms
Jaggery 200 gms
Cardamom seeds three or four.
Grated Coconut one bowlful 200 gms
Fresh ghee 50 ml
Boiling Water 200 ml

Kozhukkattai mould, we need. (available at stores)
Idli pot to steam the kozhukkattais.

Cooking time:  30 minutes with preparation time.

May Lord Ganesha bless you all and shower His grace on you, Dears!

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