Tuesday 25 September 2018


Another traditional sweet delicacy from Kongu Cusine.

How to make it?


Groundnuts 500 g
Almonds 50 g
Cashew nuts 50 g
Sesame seeds 50 g
Cardamoms 8-9 pcs
Dry ginger 2 inches
Nutmeg 1/2 pc
Fresh Ghee  2 Tbsps
Jaggery  400g


Dry roast the almonds and cashews on medium heat.
Take out the roasted nuts and place them on a dry plate.
Dry roast the sesame seeds until they pop up with a nutty aroma.
Collect them on the dry plate that contains roasted nuts.
Dry roast the groundnuts and place them on another dry plate.
Set them aside to cool down to room temperature.
Rub the groundnuts to get rid off the skins.
Just blow the air to remove the skins.
Transfer the nuts and sesame seeds to the mixer jar.
Add dry ginger powder, Nutmeg powder, and crushed cardamom.
Run the mixer @ high speed for 5 seconds.
We get a coarse-textured powder.
Transfer the powder to the mixing bowl.
Break the jaggery into small pieces and grind it to a powder.
Transfer the jaggery powder to the mixing bowl that contains nut powder.
Now, pour 2 tbsps of ghee and mix well.
Take a small portion of the powder-mix and hold tight and make balls
Repeat the same for the remaining powder-mix.
We will get 25 balls packed with nutrients and high protein.
Good for health. Good for pregnant and lactating mothers.
Good for patients. Good for children.
give a try.
Easy to make.
Quick mode
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Yield 25 balls out of this measurement of ingredients.
You can multiply the ingredients according to your needs.

Visit us @ kongutraditionalrecipes.com for more information.

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