Friday, 6 July 2018


CRUNCHY KHARA BOONDI - a beautiful video is going live on YouTube channel..
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The versatile savoury variation of the droplet sized crispy treat is called as Khara Boondi.

There are two important conditions to make this lovely tiny balls:

Make sure, your Oil is perfect hot enough. Drop a few little droplet sized batter into the hot oil. If it comes up to the surface immediately, the oil is ready to deep fry the Boondis.

Once your first batch of boondis is fried, wash your perforated ladle and wipe well. Grease the oil on both sides of the ladle and use for the next batch. Otherwise, you cannot get that perfect round and tiny ball-shaped boondi.

Cooking Time 15 minutes

Yield: Out of 350 gms flours, you can get 350 gms snack.

How to make?


Besan Flour 250 gms
Raw rice flour 100 gms
Asafoetida 2 pinches
Red chilly Powder 3/4 tsp
Butter 25 g
Salt 3/4 tsp
Cooking Soda 1/8 tsp
Water 200 ml
Curry leaves 25 pcs
Oil to deep fry 500 ml


In a mixing bowl, add besan flour and raw rice flour.
Mix well.
Add salt, cooking soda, Red chilly powder
Mix again.
Add butter.
Mix well.
Add water little by little.
Blend fast.
You will get Idli batter consistency.
The batter is ready.

We use a perforated ladle here to make boondis.

Heat the oil to the required temperature.
If you drop a little bit of the batter in Oil, it should be come up immediately.
That is the required temperature to deep-fry.
Wipe the perforated ladle with a clean cloth and grease it with oil both sides
Hold the ladle over the hot oil.
Pour the batter on the ladle and gently shake the ladle.
The droplet sized boondis fall into the oil.
Bubbling and deep-frying!
Once the oil bubbles cease or reduce to the minimum, the boondis are ready to take out.
Drain the oil and take out the boondis and collect them on a tissue paper to absorb excess oil.
Repeat the same process until the entire batter exhausts.
Four batches, I am sure.
Temper the boondis with fried curry leaves.

Crunchy Khara Boondi is ready to enjoy.

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