Monday 15 January 2018


Pumpkins are back in Thai/January 2018 season. 
This is the pumpkin season as far as we were concerned with this Pongal celebrations 2018. 

How to choose the perfect pumpkin for culinary purpose?

Ripe Pumpkins always make a hollow sound. It is very hard to touch and feels heavy. A ripe pumpkin hs a firm shell and it cannot be scratched easily.
Using a sharp knife, cut into wedges. Remove the hard skin carefully. Scoop out the seeds and stringy fibres. Place the wedge flat to remove the hard skin.

Cooking is very easy. We can cook this veggie in a jiffy. Cooked with cane sugar and usual seasoning tricks make this curry absolutely delicious.

Just follow the steps shown in the video!

The glossy Pumpkin Stirfry/Porial -Video tutorials are now on Youtube channel "Kongu Traditional Recipes"

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