Friday 2 June 2017


Sago halwa, yumm!😃😃💓

Ingredients :

Sago one cup
Sugar two cups
Fresh cow ghee two tablespoons
Cashews seven
Golden raisin ten
Water four cups
Edible camphor a tiny pinch
Kaesar food color a pinch
Cardamom seeds crushed half a spoon


Blend the nylon sago into broken bits
Fry the sago in one spoon of ghee for a minute.
Take one wok and heat the water to the noiling temperature.
Add one spoon of ghee.
Add kaesar color.
Bring to boil.
Transfer the fried sago and allow boiling.
Give occasional stir.
Cook until the sago turns transparent.
Add sugar and stir well.
Add edible camphor.
Cook over a medium flame until the contents get gravy texture.
Add fried cashews and raisins.
Add another tablespoon of ghee.
Stir again.
Switch off the flame.
Sprinkle cardamom seeds.
Set aside to cool.

Sheer delight!!!

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