Monday 10 April 2017


Mint chutney is easy to make and it tastes magnificently with hot steamed rice, idlis and dosas. This accompaniment with idlis is our favorite breakfast weekly once.

How to make Mint chutney?


Mint leaves and tender stalks two cups (fresh) 
Shredded coconut (fresh) one cup
Garlic cloves three
Fried gram half cup
Tamarind one gooseberry size
Jaggery one piece
Red chilies three or four as per your choice
Asafoetida one pinch
Salt to taste
Sesame oil one tablespoon
Adequate water


Heat the frying pan with sesame oil
Add washed mint leaves and saute for a while until the leaves shrunk.
Let them cool.
Fresh shredded coconut, garlic cloves,red chilies, fried gram, salt, jaggery, tamarind and mint leaves should be 
collected into a blender,
Add aequate water.
Sprinkle asafoetida over the mixture.
Blend into a coarse paste.
Check the spices.
Blend again to a desired consistency.

Now the yummy puthina/Mint chutney is ready.
Transfer the contents to the serving bowl.

Mint chutney has its unique  flavour of its own leaves. It suits very well with medu vada,bajji, idlies, dosas, paniyarams, oothappams and north indian main dishes also.

MInt is a good appetizer and it promotes digestion. It soothes stomachs in cases of indigestion. It is a medicinal herb and usedforits remarkable medicinal properties since long years. 

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