Friday 7 April 2017


Since the period it was launchedI think propably in 80's, Maggi noodles has been the most favourite meal options for  kids and adults. Its lingering taste and easy method attracts the hostel students and for those who don't know how to cook the food.

The Lucknow Food Safetyand drug administration recently found that Maggi contains  monsodium glutamate (MSG) and lead to excess amounts of sodieum and complaint to the Food Safety and standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and requesting to cancel the license of maggi.It is discussed what MSG is it is the sodium salt of glutamic acid one of the most abundant and non essential amino acids. MSG is found in tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms and the other veggies and fruits.

MSG enhances the taste generally enjoyed by chinese people. Researchers however could not establish the link between the MSG and the symptoms of various diseases.

Meanwhile Nestle company denied the addition of MSG. Glutamate is safe and naturally occuring in every day and highest proteinous foods including tomatoes, peas, paneer onions and milk.

There are so many interesting renditions in our Culinary world.
We used to make this interesting and addictable noodles especially for children and adults, loved to eat everytime.

Mostly south Indian people are experimenting with something so good and stick to the traditional way of makingthis two minute noodles. You can home cook these noddles as none have the fancy ingredients.

All you need is a packet of noodles, one packet of mushroom and ginger gratings. Nothing more than that.


Maggi noodles 500 gms
Ginger gratings
Sesame oil one tablespoon
Magi spicy packet three
Button mushroom 500 gms cleaned, washed and chopped
Tomato one diced
salt to taste
Adequate water


Heat the frying wok with oil.
Add ginger gratings
Add chopped mushrooms.
Sprinkle salt and fry forafew minutes.
Add little water and allow the mushrooms well cooked.
Once it is cooked well, transfer the cooked mushrrooms to a plate.
Add adequatewater say four cups of water.
Bring to boil.
Add the maggie powder.
Add noodles and give a continuous stir.
Once you notice the maggi ae qell cooked and absorbed water and become soft, Add the cooked mushrooms and mix well.

Switch off the flame.
Tinckle your taste buds with the lip smacking noodles.

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