Saturday 22 April 2017


Urad dal is a high source of protein. It is a healthy lentil that is rich in iron. This iron of urad dal helps to boost the energy level in the body and keeps you active whole day around.This is particularly good for women who have in need of iron. It also contains folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium. In our homes, we use urad dal in our regular diet for making idlis, dosas, oothappams, vadais, jelabies, bondas and so on. We use the urad dal with skin in every diet and breakfasts.

Vitamin B is also rich in this lentil. It is said to be good for skin. and anti-aging properties. Its regular consumption brings a fair and flawless skin 

apart from these appreciable qualities, black lentils have an advantage that is linked to the richness of magnesium and folate levels that boosts the cardiovascular health. It increases milk secretion to lactating mothers. It is good for growing female children to promote bone development and muscle strength.

Here, we are going to make delicious black gram balls. You can do this sweet for offering  to the Gods  during festival days,


 Black urad dal one cup
Half a cup of white sesame seeds
Half a cup of black sesame seeds
Almonds 12nos
Cashews 12 nos (Optional)
Cardamom seeds crushed 10 nos
Jaggery powder two cups
Fresh country ghee two tablespoon


Dry roast the black lentils till the fine aroma emanates
Dry roast the sesame seeds till the nutty flavor out
Dry roast almonds and cashews.
Crush the cardamom seeds and set aside.
Powder the jaggery.
Set aside the roasted lentils to cool down.
Blend the lentils into a coarse powder.
In a dry mixing bowl, mix all the ingredients together.
Pour the hot ghee and incorporate well.
Make a gooseberry size balls.

Store in a dry jar.
Serve one or two balls to the kids and adults every day.
Your loved ones will become energetic and strong.
(especially girl children will get strong hip bones and musles) It is good for male children too.

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