Friday 10 February 2017


Raddish thuvaiyal is a wonderful combination with idlies and hot steamed rice.! 
It contains fiber, riboflavin, potassium as well as good amounts of calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese and vitamin B6.

It is termed as Mullangi in Tamil, Mooli in Hindi.


Raddish one
Coconut grates one cup
Red chillies three
Urad dal half cup
Chick pea dal half cup
Tamarind goose berry size
Garlic pods three
Jaggery, a small piece
Asafoetida a pinch
Salt to taste
Curry leaves two sprigs
Sesame oil one tablespoon
One tomato (optional)


Peel off the skin of raddish and grate.
Gratings one cup
Roast the urad dal, chenna or chick pea dal together.
Set aside. 
Heat one tablespoon oil in a frying pan over medium flame.
Add red chilles, curryleaves.
Add pearl shallots garlic pods and raddish gratings.
Saute well until the gratings and shallots become transparent.
Add tomato dices and saute till the

tomato turn mashy.
Add roasted dals, and coconut gratings and saute together.
Add tamarind , jaggery and salt.
Set aside to cool.
Blend all the ingredients with adequate water to form a coarse texture.
Check whether it is well balanced taste.
Add if needed.
Raddish chutney/ Thuvaiyal is ready to accompany with hot steamed idlies or hot rice with ghee.

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