Thursday 19 January 2017


Kalakand is a traditional and delicious dessert prepared with whole fat cow milk. This sweet is with less sugar and soft and grainy texture.

How to make?


10 cups of whole fat cow milk
Half cup of sugar
Half cup of lemon juice(fresh) lemon fruit two)
One tablespoon of sliced almonds
One spoon of saffron


First, we have to make paneer

Squeeze two lemons and get the lemon juice without seeds.
Set aside.

Boil five cups of milk in a pressure pan over medium flame stirring occasionally.

Utmost care should be taken for not burning at the bottom.

Once the milk concentrates, add the lemon juice gradually and stir the milk gently. 

The milk gets precipitated into curd will start separated from the whey. Turn off thee flame.

Drain the way using a muslin cloth.

Wrap the milk fat in a muslin cloth, rinse under cold water for a while until the sourness of lemon juice is removed.

Knot the muslin cloth containing the sold fat of milk and hang it out for half an hour.

Next step:

Bring to boil the remaining five cups of milk in a pan and stir continuously until it gets thickened.

Add sugar in this stage.

Add cardamom seeds powder one spoon and rose water four drops.

Add the paneer in the milk and keep continuously stirring until the mixture form a non-sticky and soft mass leaving the sides of the pan.

Transfer the dough to the greasy plate and spread it into half inch thick.

Allow it to cool for half an hour and cut into square shaped pieces.

Sprinkle saffron nd almond gratings over the kalakand.

Now the delicious kalakand is ready to relish with your kids.

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