Friday 4 November 2016


This is one of the delicous versions of santhagai. 


Santhagai (Rice string hoppers) I already posted how to make santhagai)
Sesame seeds black and white one cup 
Curry leaves 10 nos
Shallots or bellary onion finely chopped half cup
Red chilly three slit
Cilantro leaves finely chopped
Ginger gratings one spoon
Asafoetida one pinch
Sesame oil one rablespoon
Mustard seeds one spoon
Turmeric half spoon
Chana dal one spoon


First of all, you have to make ellu podi.
Dry roast the white and balck sesame seeds( equal quantity)
Set aside to cool down.
Blend in a mixer to  coarse texture.
Soak the boiled rice for two hours. Then grind it into a fine batter with little salt.
Steam the batter in idli slots of the idli steamer.
Squeeze into long string hoppers using santhagai press.
Keep aside.
Heat the frying pan with sesame oil over a medium flame
Add mustard seeds to splutter.
when it starts to splutter, add chana dal, onion, red chillies, curry leaves.
Saute for a while till the onion turn translucent.
Reduce the heat to the low level.
Add turmeric and asafoetidea.
Add string hoppers and give a gentle stir.
Sprinkle salt and sesame coarse powder and mix.
Add finely chopped cilantro leaves and stir well.
Switch off the flame.

A flavourful ellu santhagai is ready to have as a delicious breakfast.
Either evening tiffin or light dinner.
You know, the sesame seeds are rich with calcium, magnesium, iron  and dietary fibers.Sesamin and sesamolin, the contents of sesame seeds are balancing the cholesterol level and good for the heart-health.

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