Carrot kheer is so delicious to have and easy to make.
Peel off the carrots and cut into small pieces.
Bring to boil the two cups of water and add 10
almonds and carrot pieces.
Allow to cook for five minutes.
Set aside to cool.
Peel off the almonds.
Blend the carrots and almonds into a coarse
paste in a mixer.
Add sugar and allow to combine together.
Even Kids do this in a jiffy.


Carrot four nos
Sugar 50 gms
Milk two cups
Almonds 10 nos
Almonds 10 nos
Cashews and raisins one tablespoon
Cardamom four
Cow ghee one tablespoon

Bring to boil the two cups of water and add 10
almonds and carrot pieces.
Allow to cook for five minutes.
Set aside to cool.

Blend the carrots and almonds into a coarse

paste in a mixer.
Add sugar and allow to combine together.
Once the mixture gets thickened, add the 
remaining milk and give a stir.
Fry the cashews and raisins separately in the

remaining milk and give a stir.
Fry the cashews and raisins separately in the

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