Monday 24 October 2016



Carrots two peeled
Cashew one cup
Ghee half cup
Sugar one and a quarter cup
Cardamom 8 nos
Kaesar powder half pinch
Cashews whole four
Adequate water to blend the carrot gratings and cashews


Wash the carrots and peel off.
Grate the carrots.
Soak the cashew for half an hour.
Blend the cashews and carrot gratings together with adequate water into a fine paste.
Heat the pan with sugar and half a cup of water.
Add kaesar powder.
Mix and allow to boil till the one string consistency obtained.
Add the paste and stir well.
Add ghee little by little
Stir continuously over a medium flame till the ghee oozed out on the sides.
Peel off the cardamom pods and crush the seeds into a coarse powder.
Switch off the flame and transfer the halwa to a serving bowl.
Garnish with roasted whole cashew nuts.

Serve warm. 
Relishable sweet for grand Diwali..!

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