Thursday 20 October 2016


The good news is" eating healthy" is trending, nowadays!

How to make kambu/bajra  murukkus?


Bajra/Kambu flour 250 gms
Bengal gram flour 75 gms
Red chilly powder one spoon
Ajwain seeds one tablespoon
Sesame (black)seeds one tablespoon
Asafoetida one pinch
Adequate water
Salt to taste
Sesame oil to deep fry


Blend the Bengal gram and red chilly powder into a fine powder.
Mix the bajra flour, Bengal gram flour mix, salt and asafoetida together in a dry bowl.
Add adequate water and knead a soft and nonsticky dough.
Incorporate the sesame seeds and ajwain seeds with the dough.
Heat the oil and test the perfect temperature to deep-fry murukkus.
Fill the murukku press with a portion of  dough.
Squeeze the murukku on a ladle and drop into the hot oil.
Deep-fry the batch of murukkus until the sizzling sound ceases.
Repeat the process for the rest of the dough.

Crispy kambu murukkus are ready to relish..!
Delicious and nutritious!

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