Thursday 29 September 2016


Little millet Dosais are so tasty as normal rice dosais.  Millet dosais are more delicious and nutritious than rice dosais. Organic millet flours are selling in all grocery stores.

How to make the little millet dosas?


Little millet flour 500 gms
Urad dal 100 gms
Fenugreek seeds one spoon.


Soak urad dal and fenugreek seeds for three hours
Grind to a soft and fine batter in the grinder with adequate water.
Transfer the flour in a broad vessel and add the batter
Add adequate salt and mix well.
Close with the appropriate lid and leave the batter overnight to ferment.
Next morning, the batter is well fermented.
Heat the dosa skillet and rub the peeled off shallot over the skillet in a low flame.
Using a spatula, spread the dosa batter on the skillet.
Allow to cook for a minute.
Now the dosai is formed as lacy and golden brown.
Sprinkle oil around the dosai.
Flip the other side of the dosai.
Remove the dosai from the skillet and collect in a dry plate.
Repeat the process as per your need.

Any chutny, sambar or kuruma can be the best accompaniment to this dosais.

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