Wednesday 24 August 2016


White karisalanganni is termed as Eclipta Prostata in Botanical world. There are two important varieties of this species which are grown in marshy areas of Tamilnadu during the rainy season. The nutritional values and medicinal properties of this herb are highly admired  and used by the people.
One is having white flowers and another species consists of yellow flowers. Even the leaves are also different. 

You can purchase these greens in the market. Nowadays people are learnt about the medicinal values of the greens and herbs and they begin to use them in culinary part of their life. They feed their kids and parents by cooking in their home.

This herb is familiar for the treatment of jaundice. The herb rejuvenates the liver and improves the secretion of bile.

Another important property is the protection of eyes from night blindness and other eye related problems.

It is good for skin, eyes, teeth and hair. 

It heals the ulcer. 

Regular intake of these leaves of karisalanganni strengthen the inner organs.

It prevents grey hair and promotes the abundant, black and shiny hair. It is a natural hair tonic.

In Tamilnadu, the Karisalanganni or all greens are cooked with lentils. We are also going to make kootu with moong dal and karisalanganni greens.


Moong dal 200 gms cooked with one spoon of turmeric and castor oil three drops.
Karisalanganni green leaves three cups washed and chopped using scissor
Shallots one cup
Green chillies two
Curry leaves six nos
Tomato half finely chopped
Cumin seeds one spoon
Sesame oil one tablespoon
ghee one tablespoon
Mustard seeds one spoon
Turmeric one spoon
Salt to taste


Heat the wok with sesame oil.
Add mustard seeds to crackle.
Add shallots, green chillies and curry leaves 
Saute them for a minute till the shallots turn translucent.
Add turmeric.
Saute again.
Add tomato dices and the karisalanganni leaves and saute for a few minutes until the leaves  get swirled and cooked.
Transfer the cooked moong dal and add salt.
Add little water to adjust the consistency.
Allow to blend and cook both the dal and greens.
Heat the tempering pan with ghee.
Rub the cumin seeds using your palms and add them in ghee.
Switch off the flame and transfer the fried ingredient into the green dal mixture.

Yummy karisalanganni kootu is ready.

This kootu can be served with hot steamed  rice.
Happy cooking and happy serving..

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