Friday 27 May 2016


Almond Halwa is a grand dessert perfectly fit for our beloved family members and dearest friends.It neither calls for  too many ingredients nor is the procedure, much complicated. We, do literally need to stir continuously till the end of the procedure to prevent burning and scorching at the bottom of the wok. It will take off twenty minutes to prepare. Treat your beloved kids with this yummy badam halwa one spoon in the morning daily. they will acquire bone strength incredibly.

How to make this delicious dessert? Let us check out, dearests..!


200 gms of almonds
one cup fresh ghee
one full cup of sugar
Milk two cups
cardamom one pinch (optional)
cashews tiny bits one cup
yellow food color kaesar powder one pinch


Bring to boil three cups of water and soak the almonds for five minutes.
Drain the almonds in a colander.
to remove the skins of almonds, press each almond between the thumb and forefinger and slide the thumb upwards. This will make the almond removing its skin out. Repeat the process of blanching the entire almonds. Discard the skins.
Soak the blanched almonds for half an hour.
Blend the almonds with the food colour, crushed cardamom seeds with milk required to make a paste.
Bring to boil sugar soaked with water.
Wait for the one string consistency of sugar syrup.
Add the almond paste and stir well to combine with the sugar syrup.
Add one cup of fresh ghee.
Stir continuously well over a low flame.
Be careful not to get burning and scorching. This can happen quickly. so Stir constantly.
At one stage, the halwa mixture gets thickened  leaving the sides of the wok.
Add half cup of ghee and stir well.
Add roasted cashew bits at this stage and mix well in a low flame.
When the halwa becomes nonstick on the bottom of the wok, switch off the flame.
Spread the halwa mixture onto a greased pan or plate.
Allow to cool and set at room temperature.

Delicious Almond Halwa  is ready to serve.


Your family members will love you for its rich taste..!

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