Saturday 30 April 2016


The hot summer brings delicious mangoes everywhere in the market, super markets and all departmental stores. There are variety of mangoes such as malgova, banganapalli, sendhur, Nadu Salem, Neelam, Alphonza,Totapuri are some of the varieties.  

Nutritional Profile:

This exotic fruit is one of the delicious seasonal fruit grown in tropics and believed to be originated in the sub Himalayan plains of India. Its scientific name is Mangifera Indica. It is rich in prebiotic dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. It has polyphenolic flavanoid antioxident compounds. It protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. 

It is an excellent source of Vitamin A and flavanoids like beta carotene, a;pha carotene and beta cryptoxanthin. Fresh fruit has potassium as well. Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are also available in the fruit.

Hence, we enjoyed  lot of fruits almost all over this season. We make different recipes using raw mangoes as well as fruits. All of us enjoy the mango smoothee. It is so delicious and the most favorite drink to children and adults.

Let us work on the preparation of mango smoothee..


Mango fruit cubes one cup
Milk one cup
Sugar two or three spoons
Cardamom two pods.
Ice cubes Optional 


Blend all the ingredients together in a mixer.
Serve Chill with ice cubes.

Very easy to make.
Mango smoothee will be loved by all of your family members and guests.

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