Friday 4 March 2016


Agathi leaves are fully loaded with  exhaustive sources of calcium and iron. So it is termed as the best bone strengthener. The agathi leaves are diuretic, Antiulcer, anticancer, anticonvulsant and antioxidant properties according to the scientific research studies.

Take a look on the preparation of agathy keerai porial:

To prepare the Agathy leaves for cooking, first remove them from the stem. We can achieve this by pinching the stalk with the thumb and forefinger, and then sliding down the main branch. The leaves will  fall away ease.

Cut the leaves using a scissor and rinse the leaves in a colander to remove dirt and any sediment.

Now they are ready to be sauted into a porial.


Mustard seeds one spoon

Moong dal one tablespoon
Cooking oil one tablespoon
Shallots one cup chopped
Split red chillies two
Curry leaves half cup
Sesbania leaves three cups chopped
Shredded and fresh coconut one cup
jaggery tiny piece
Turmeric one spoon
Coconut water half cup
Salt required


Heat the cooking oil in a dry pan.

Add mustard seeds and allow until popped.
Followed by shallots, red chillies, curry leaves and moong dal.
Saute for a couple of minutes until the shallots turn translucent.
Add turmeric, salt and coconut water.
Addition of a small piece of jaggery is optional in this stage.
Add half a cup of water.
Allow to cook in medium heat.
Don't close the lid. (to maintain the green color of the greens.)
When the leaves are cooked and become soft and the entire water absorbed, sprinkle the shredded  coconut and mix well.
Turn off the heat.

Yummy Agathi porial is ready to have with hot steamed rice.

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