Wednesday 24 February 2016


The healthy open secrets behind Varaghu rice consumptions are:
Varagu rice is gluten-free and packed with vitamins and minerals.
High in Nutrition which is good for children.
High fiber content.
Varagu rice helps hydrate your colon to keep your system regular and keep you from being constipated.
Digestion friendly.
Rich in photochemical, phytic acid, which lowers cholesterol, and phytate, and that helps in reduction of cancer risks.
High antioxidant activity.
Vargu Rice helps in controlling Blood sugar and Cholesterol.
Great energy source especially good for athletes.
Complete protein source when combined with legumes - ideal for a vegetarian diet.
Varagu rice consumption decreases Triglycerides and C-Reactive Protein.
Serotonin in the Millet calms and soothes the mood
Varagu rice acts as a Prebiotic feeding microflora in your inner ecosystem
Millet is full of nutrients your body needs, such as:
Magnesium, Fiber, Antioxidants,Tryptophan,Phosphorus,Calcium, Vitamin B and Manganese
It fights with obesity and diabetes

.......Google source

Let us make kodo millet pongal....


Kodo millet 200 gms
Moong dal 50 gms
Pepper two spoons 
Cumin seeds one spoon
Curry leaves half cup
Cashews split one tablespoon
Ginger grates one spoon
Green chillies cut halves two
Cooking oil one tablespoon
mustard seeds optional one spoon
Asafoetida half pinch optional
Salt required


Heat the small pressure cooker with cooking oil.
Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, pepper, cashews, curry leaves and green chillies and ginger grates.
Fry them for a while.
Add kodomillet and moongdal mix into the cooker.
Add salt required.
Wait for boiling.
Check the salt taste.
Then Close the cooker lid and place the weight.
Wait for one whistle.
Simmer the flame.
After three minutes, turn off the heat.
Remove from the burner and keep aside to cool.
Open the lid and serve the kodo millet pongal with your optional side dishes i.e., chutny, sambar as an excellent breakfast.

You can have this millet during summer to reduce the heat and obesity weekly once or twice .

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