Saturday 26 December 2015



MTR Jamun mix 500 gms
sugar one kg
ghee four teaspoons
Rose water four drops
kaesari color powder half pinch
cooking oil (Sunflower oil or refined groundnut oil ..optional)
Water needed


Knead the jamun mix with the addition of required water little by little.
Work softly with the dough until it becomes nonsticky and soft.
Add one spoon ghee and knead gently.
Keep aside.
Heat the pan with sugar and three cups of. water and allow to boil.
Add kaesari powder half pinch and mix well.
When the sugar syrup attains thick consistency, switch off the flame.
Heat the dry pan with oil to frying temperature.
Make the dough into goozeberry size balls.
Drop the balls one by one.
Allow the balls frying into golden brown texture.
Transfer them into the sugar syrup.
Wait for half an hour.
Serve the jamuns with sugar syrup to relish..!!

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