Sunday 1 November 2015


Health Benefits of Drumstick flowers:

Drumstick, as everyone knows is also referred to as moringa oleifera or even horseradish tree. It’s really a ‘yard stick’ for health, as it is known to be very therapeutic for the human health in one way or another. This particular veggie offers all type of nutritional advantages and in addition cures numerous health conditions.
Flower juice improves the quality and flow of mothers’ milk when breast- feeding.
Flower juice is useful for urinary problems as it encourages urination.
In Haiti, villagers boil Moringa flowers in water and drink the tea as a powerful cold remedy.
Furthermore, its greens (leaves) are one of the finest sources of minerals like calcium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, and magnesium. Iron alleviates anemia. Calcium is required for bone mineralization. Zinc plays a vital role in hair-growth, spermatogenesis, and skin health. They are packed with vitamins A, B, C and other nutrients. The flowers are  the very same qualities as the leaves do.
                                  Source -google

Our ancestors were well known about the health and medicinal properties of entire parts of the Moringa tree and habituated their generation to use in regular intake of our daily food. They taught how to cook the drumstick tastefully and feed the children and passed the traditional method of cooking veggies without wasting their nutritional contents. I always wonder about their scientific knowledge from the ancient period. How did they learn?
In this page,  we are going to use the floral part of Moringa or drumstick tree. The cooking of the leaves is more time consuming and the cooked leaves if consumed more it will discomfort the stomach and cause several disturbances to our body health. Instead,  we will cook the blossom of drumstick tree easily and substitute the nutritional benefits of leaves.  The flowers have the same nutritional qualities as the other parts like pods and leaves do.
How to make yummy simple and easy kootu?
It is so simple, an easy cooking and an instant method..


Moringa flowers one cup
cooked toor dal one cup
green chilly one
shallots half cup
mustard seeds one spoon
cooking oil one spoon
cumin seeds one spoon
salt as required


Pressure cook the toor dal with half spoon of turmeric and few drops of castor oil.
Mash the dal and mix two cups of water.
Wash the flowers. You need not pluck any part of the flower.
Heat the dry pan with cooking oil.
Add mustard seeds to pop up
Add shallots, green chilly and turmeric
Saute a while until the translucent shallots.
Add moringa flowers and stir for a while.
Let the flame in medium level.
Saute until the flowers get shrunken.
Incorporate dal mixture and mix well.
Add required salt.
Let the mixture get boiled well.
The flowers are easily get cooked and become soft.
Rub the cumin seeds with your palm and add them.
Switch off and transfer it to a serving bowl.
Yummy moringa dal kootu is ready to enjoy with hot steamed rice with one spoon of ghee.. !
You will go crazy to take more and more.. I am sure..!😇😊 


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