Wednesday 21 October 2015


We are going to know about the wonderful health benefits of a cheapest Banana stem. It is not actually stem but it is a stalk of the banana flower. its cost is amazingly very less but its health benefits are very high.

Banana stem is a rich source of fibre and helps in weight loss. Its high fibre content creates a feeling of satiation and hence, reduces the intake of food. It also helps ease constipation. Banana stem is rich in potassium and vitamin B6 just like the fruit. Vitamin B6 helps in production of haemoglobin and insulin. Again, it improves the ability of the body to fight infection. Potassium helps in the proper functioning of muscles, including the cardiac muscles. It also helps prevent high blood pressure, and maintain fluid balance within the body. Banana stem is said to be a diuretic and helps detoxify the body. It is used prevent and treat kidney stones.

Banana stem juice is beneficial to health, according to Ayurveda. To make the juice, combine chopped banana stem and water and grind it in a mixer till it becomes smooth. Add some buttermilk and salt. Mix well and drink it immediately. It will be a little astringent and bitter to taste. Banana stem juice combined with buttermilk and taken on an empty stomach helps in weight reduction. The juice also relieves ulcers, burning sensation and acidity. Its astringent quality helps in blood coagulation. Banana stem is believed to have a cooling effect on the body and hence, is recommended in tropical climates.

Kongu people cook this stem and consume this stem in their regular meals thrice in a month. They know its benefits from the ancient days onwards. In fact, their food is their medicine ; meducines as their food.
They are the fore runners of the quote of Hypicrates.

How to make banana stem porial?


Banana stem medium size one
shallots chopped one cup
green chillies two
channa dal one spoon
curry leaves half cup
cooking oil one tablespoon
shredded coconut half cup
coriander leaves optional


Remove the outer ring and oeel off the stemm
Cut them into number of discs.
Chop the discs into small cubes.
Chop the shallots.
Cut the green chillies into two halves each.
Soak the pieces of stem in water and with a new bottle brush, rotate several times and take out the unwanted fibres caught by the brush. The pieces of banana stem is now ready to cook.
Drain the water completely.
Heat the pan with cooking oil.
Allow mustard seeds to crackle.
Add channa dal.
followed by shallots, green chillies, curry leaves.
Saute for a while until the shallots turn translucent.
Add the banana stem pieces.
no need to add water.
Add required powder salt and saute again.
Let the flame in medium position.
No overcook please. Semicooking is enough.
Add coconut grates and coriander leaves.
Mix well.

Are you ready to relish the banana stem porial with hot rice? you will appreciate its yummy taste. feed back please..


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