Tuesday 13 October 2015


This chutney is one of the best combinations for idlis, dosais, oothappams, paniyarams and any other south indian dishes.
very nutritious and tasty. you never forget its unique roasted peanut flavour. It contains high protein contents.

How to make this yummy chutney..here it is :)

Ingredients :

Roasted peanuts one cup
shredded coconut half cup
tamarind small gooseberry size
jaggery small piece
garlic pulses two
red chillies two
curry leaves one spig

salt to taste

coriander leaves fresh optional half cup


Dry roast the groundnuts or peanuts in a pan and keep aside to cool down.
Shred the coconut.
Peel off the garlic pulses.
Clean the groundnuts and remove the skins.
Put all the ingredients above mentioned together in the mixie jar with required water and salt.
Grind them into a smooth paste.
Add water if you want to dilute.
Tempering is your choice. no need to temper and no oil.
The simple raw chutney is pretty enough to make  your main dish as heavenly breakfast.

Try out and come back..


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