Friday 14 August 2015


Pearl millet is known by the name of Kambu. This millet is used by our ancestors. It is enjoyed as a regular meal  by the farmers of Tamil nadu. Especially Kongu people are very conscious about the cooling effect of the Pearl millet during summer season. In the hot summer, this is the favorite food of the Kongu people. They know its medicinal and nutritional values traditionally. It was educated by our ancestors and its importance is being passed the generation to generation in the Kongu regions.

Now Bajra or pearl millet is recommended by many dietitian and nutritionists because of its various health benefits. 

100 gms of Bajra or pearl millet contain the following nutritional components such as 

Protein 12 gm
fat 5 gm
mineral 2 gm fiber 1 gm carbohydrate 67 gm
calcium 42 mg
Phosphorous 242 mg
iron 16.9 mg

and also have phytochemicals that lower cholesterol, antioxidents, plenty of fiber, folic acid, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, vitamins E and B complex, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, It is a gluten free grain. 

Medicinal values:

It is highly effective and recommended for the consumption of food containing high fibrous contents, for the cases of diabetics of type 2. It keeps the Blood sugar levels normal.

The whole grain supports weight loss as the high fiber content leads to a feeling of fullness for a prolonged period of time,

It is helpful in maintaining the cardiovascular health and in acidity problems.

It also helps to treat stomach ulcers. The most common root cause for the stomach ulcer the the excess acidity in the stomach after food intake, Pearl millet turns the stomach alkaline and prevents the formation of ulcer or minimizes the effect of ulcers, 

The phytonutrients and lignin in this millet act as strong antioxidents which helps in preventing heart related diseases, 

The pearl millet reduces cancer risk.

It also helps in the growth of bone and its development. It contains rich phosphorous which is crucial for the bone growth.

It reduces cholesterol levels since it comprises a type of phyto chemical called phytic acid which is supposed to increase cholesterol metabolism and stabilize the levels of cholesterol in the body.

It is beneficial for the reduction of severe respiratory problems for asthma patients and is also effective in reducing migraine attacks, since its high concentrated magnesium content.

Its gluten free nature is highly beneficial for the Celiac disease. Celiac disease is a condition in which a person cannot tolerate even a small amount of gluten in his/her diet. Unfortunately most of the common grains like rice, wheat have 
gluten present in them.

Furthermore, it contains all the essential amino acids required for the smooth functioning of our body. But the amino acids will lose in cooking high temperature. To retain its amino acids, we can soak and make sprouted and consume them in limited measure.

It contains anti allergic properties. easily it can be safely included in the diets of infants, lactating mothers elderly and convalescents.

Pearl millet has a nutty flavor and crunchy texture. It is popularly used in making breads, flat breads, and biscuits, porridge, muffins cookies etc.

The insoluble fiber content in pearl millet reduces the production of excessive bile in our system and prevents the risk of gall stones occurrence.

It is the most common crop cultivated in Indian sub continent and in West Africa. It requires surprisingly low water source to grow. It is fertilizer free.purely organic.. This is the unique character of this Pearl Millet we have to remember. Its botanical name is Pennisetum glaucum.

                                                                                            Source : Google 

Before we move to know how to make Pearl millet meal we learnt about its components and its benefits to various complaints.

You can buy this organic high quality Pearl Millet/Bajra by clicking the link

Now we are going to prepare this super food ...!


Pearl millet 500 gm (to serve four)
Required water eight cups


Clean the pearl millet and soak for 45 Minutes.

Wash several times and drain the water completely.

Keep aside to dry the wet pearl millet for one hour in a towel or a broad plate.

Blend the partly dried pearl millet in a mixer by using whisk button for one second. Switch off and again for one second.

Now the husks are being separated from the pearl grain.

Wash several times with running water.

And drain completely.

Add eight cups of water.

Pressure cook directly in the 5 lit pressure cooker or pressure pan with three or four whistles and simmer for five minutes.

Switch off the flame.

Wait for half an hour and open the lid.

your yummy kammanchoru is ready to serve hot with any spicy dish. 

You can roll out slightly big balls and soak in water after cooling the balls.

Leave the balls in water overnight. The water will become fermented and get slightly tangy.

Mashed pearl millet and curd and required salt mixed together give excellent taste with peeled shallots and more milaka.

You can add thick buttermilk and salt with mashed pearl millet meal is known by the name of "Kammankoozh" favorited by Kongu folks during summer season.

You will go crazy to this meal many times within a week. 

Do try and your valuable comments are welcome..!

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