Saturday 4 July 2015


Kootu is the perfect combination of the gourds and lentils, which is popular side dish in Tamil Nadu. Especially this is served in lunch meals almost in hotels and home; A very favourite side dish with white rice, loved to eat by all children and adults; Very comfort to digestive system; enriched with full of protein. An instant method of cooking of Snake gourd plus split channa dal kootu is posted in this blog today.

We already know about snake gourd's nutritional values. Yet we remind once again here. Snake gourd is really a natural antibiotic, expectorant, as well as healthy laxative. It makes a cooling effect within the body. Moreover it is a natural tonic for heart.

Let us have a look on the preparation of this yummy kootu as follows:


Split channa dal 100 gm
Snake gourd medium size 1
shallots finely chopped half cup
curry leaves half cup
green chillies two medium size
cumin seeds one spoon
shredded coconut one cup
mustard seeds one spoon
asafoetida one pinch
turmeric one spoon


Wash the channa dal and cook in the pressure cooker with turmeric.
Wait to one whistle. Switch off the flame.
Scoop out the seeds with fleshy sponge like parts and throw them away.
Cut the veggie into small cubes.
Add the Snake gourd cubes and add little turmeric.
Switch on the flame.
Allow to cook for 10 minutes.
Grind the shredded coconut, cumin seeds and green chillies with required
into a coarse texture and pour into the boiling snakegourd and channa dal mixture.
Heat the small dry pan with cooking oil.
Add mustard seeds to crackle.
Add shallots and curry leaves .
Saute for a while.
Add cumin seeds.
Add one pinch of asafoetida.
Transfer the entire fried ingredients into the channa dal and snake gourd cooked.
Add required salt.

Channa dal plus snake gourd kootu is ready to serve with plain rice or curd rice.
Hope you will like this side dish.
Try this yummy dish and feedback will be apprpeciated.



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