Saturday 18 July 2015



Two cups of cooked rice
Tamarind extract (thick pulp) 3/4 cup
Turmeric half teaspoon
Mustard seeds half teaspoon
urad dal half teaspoon
chenna dal half teaspoon
Red chillies two split
gingely oil one tablespoon
Shallots finely chopped
garlic pulses finely chopped
Asafoetida half pinch
fenugreek seeds powder (Roasted) half pinch
curry leaves one tablespoon
salt as required


Heat the gingelly oil in a dry pan.
Add mustard seeds to splutter
then followed by urad dal, chenna dal, garlic pulses,onions, red chillies, curryleaves.
Add turmeric, fenugreed powder and.  asafoetida in a low flame.
Saute a while
Add tamarind pulp
Add salt as needed
Allow to thick.
Switch off the flame
Mix with cooked rice.
Mix fresh coriander leaves into rice gently

After ten minutes, the puliotharai satham is ready to be enjoyed..

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