Monday 22 June 2015


Ingredients :

baby brinjals cut longitudinally 10 nos
capsicum chopped 8 nos
curry leaves half cup
shallots chopped half a cup
cooking oil one tablespoon
mustard seeds one spoon
urad dal one spoon
red chillies one or two
asafoetida half pinch
turmeric one small spoon


Heat the oil and add mustard seeds.
Allow to splutter and add urad dal, shallots, curry leaves, red chillies.
Add turmeric.
Add brinjals and capsicum
Saute well.
Sprinkle some water
Close with lid.
let the flame be medium level
Remove from fire after complete absorption of water.
Brinjal capsicum curry is ready to serve with hot rice or curd rice.
Try this quick and yummy dish
..u will like it

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