Thursday 25 June 2015


Before we know how to cook Beetroot porial, we should learn the excellent qualities of Beetroots helping to boost our health.

The following amazing health benefits of Beetroots are to be bear it in mind. whenever we start cooking something we apply its qualities with love and care about our health and affection towards our family members, the thought waves (which enhance the taste and use) vibrate in the cooked food.

Beetroots are excellent source of iron, potassium, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin A and C and good source of fibre.

It improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure.

It boosts our stamina.

It fights inflammation.

It has anti cancer properities

It is a detoxification support and purifies blood.

Beetroots are our cardiovascular health friendly..!

Let's have a look on the cooking method now.

Ingredients :

Two beetroots are peeled off and  diced into small cubes

chopped shallots half cup

green chillies two

cooking oil one tablespoon

curry leaves half cup

coriander leaves finely chopped half cup

salt as required

mustard seeds one spoon

turmeric half teaspoon

urad dal one small teaspoon

shredded coconut

chopped coriander leaves


Heat the pan with cooking oil.
Allow the mustard seeds to pop up
Add urad dal, onions, green chillies and curry leaves.
add turmeric and saute well until the onions become transparent.
Then add beetroot cubes and required salt.
Add half cup of water. close with lid.
Allow to cook in medium flame .
Switch off the flame after the complete absorption of water and cooked.
Mix the cooked beetroot cubes with shredded coconut and coriander leaves.

Wonderful and yummy beetroot porial is ready to serve with hot rice, curd rice as side dish for main meals.

This is an easy, instant method.
Try and tell me how it tastes ..

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