Monday 23 March 2015


Instant Ragi Koozh | Finger Millet Porridge | Keppai Koozh is a traditional, healthy breakfast recipe for children and elders. Raagi koozh is given to infants in village areas. Once the village people consume this raagi or fingermillet in any other form as koozh or kali or dosai, idiappam.. So they were having strong stamina and amazing health.  But nowadays it is usually prepared during summer since it has a cooling effect on our body. As for nutritional benefits of ragi,  you may already be aware that it is rich in iron, calcium, etc.
As per Doctor's recommendation, the raagi is added in the regular diet by diabetic people. Others forget the importance of our traditional finger millet and its wonderful taste.
Ragi has low glycemic index and therefore it is a preferred  grain  for diabetic people. As a whole,  if you try in my method,  you will never give up this porridge. You will start to have this regularly. I strongly recommend this for your glowing beauty and strong health..
I promise ...
Let us learn how to prepare this yummy raagi koozh / fingermillet porridge.
Ingredients :
Fingermillet one full cup
Almonds five or six
Step by step procedure:
Clean the finger millet grains. and soak them in water overnight.
Soak almonds separately overnight
Wash the grains several times so as to remove skins and other unnwanted particles.
wash the almonds too
Add the grains and almonds into a mixie jar.
Blend them into nice paste
Strain it with adding water.
Blend the remains again and strain it.
Now you get milk from the grains.
Start to heat that milk in a broad heavy bottomed vessel.
Stir continuously. to avoid getting lumps.
You get the colour of the milk changed into a light pink texture and reached the boiling temperature.
Remove from flame.
Porridge is ready now.
you can have the koozh /porridge with milk, sugar, cardamom powder or with salt and buttermilk and shallots chopped. It is your choice. But I like both. You know, it is easily digestive dish to any body. 

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