Monday 16 February 2015


Lemon fruits are rich sources of vitamin C.  In Tamilnadu, lemons are taking part in each and every meal served. Especially lemon pickles are very popularly enjoyed by the folks with wheat Rava uppuma, Arisitum paruppum saatham, Curd rice, Saambar saatham, kambankool etc.

In winter end month, lemons are cheap in the. vegetable market. At that time, lemons are purchased and prepared lemon pickles. Stored for more than three months for consuming as side dish to Summer meals. Lemon pickles are used as side dish almost in all seasons.

Let us have a look on how to prepare lemon pickles in our method..

Ingredients :

Lemon fruits 10
Rock salt one cup powdered

fenugreek seeds one spoon roasted and powdered.

Asafoetida one pinch

Red chillies dried and powdered and mixed with water into a paste consistency.

Gingelly oil 250 ml
Turmeric one pinch
Curryleaves half cup

Step by step procedure:

Cut the lemons in a vertical line so as to leak out the juice outside into two halves
Then cut into eight pieces .
Collect all pieces of lemons in a dry pet jar.
Add Powdered salt with them and shake well.
Close with airtight cap and kept aside.
Shake everyday and night once.
Allow the pieces for four days.

Heat the gingelly oil in a dry pan and add mustard seeds.
Allow it to pop up.
Add Curry leaves.
Low the flame .
Add asafoetida and half pinch of powdered fenugreek seeds.
Then add chilly paste.
Add turmeric
Saute a while.
Add all lemon pieces with entire salt solution.
Turn the knob into high .
Allow them to cook in high flame.
Saute then and there.
Wait for the oil separated from the gravy.
Remove from flame and allow to cool.
Store in a dry jar with air tight lid.

Your delicious, tempting lemon pickles are ready to have...!

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