Wednesday 21 January 2015


Puthina rice is a delicious dish. It is an instant, easy cooking dish with few ingredients.

Ingredients :

fresh mint leaves two cups.
garlic two pulses chopped
tamarind goozeberry size
jaggery one piece 
mustard seeds one spoon
urad dal one tablespoon
curry leaves one cup
onions chopped one cup 
Red chillies seven or eight
cooking oil one tablespoon
gingelly oil one spoon
salt as needed
asafoetida two pinches

Step by step procedure:

Soak the boiled rice (ponni variety first quality) for 30 minutes.
Cook the rice in pressure cooker.
Let it cool..
Meanwhile, wash the puthina leaves three times and  blend the puthina or mint leaves, tamarind, jaggery and garlic into coarse paste .
Mix the cooled cooked rice with one spoon gingelly oil well. This helps the rice non sticky and soft.
Heat the cooking oil in a heavy bottomed pan and add mustard seeds to crackle. Then followed by urad dal.
saute a while to turn the urad dal golden brown. Then add splitted red chillies, onions followed by curry leaves. saute well until the onions become translucent. Add little turmeric and sprinkle asafoetida powder.
Add the ground mixure of puthina paste and saute for a while. Add little salt and mix well. 
Then add the rice and mix well until the paste evenly combined with rice.
Sprinkle some salt and mix well.
Let the flame in sim level.
Check the taste of salt in the rice..
Adjust the salt and spice levels according to your taste habit.
Puthina rice is ready..
Do try in your kitchen and taste..

I prepare potato chips instantly for this rice..we love it to eat the puthina rice with potati chips. It is  really the amazing and wonderful combination.

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