Monday 26 January 2015


It is a wholesome side dish. It is the best combination to Idli,.dosai, oothappam, paniyaram.


Black gram one cup
Chenna dal one cup
Horse gram half cup
Red chillies 9 or 10
Curry leaves 4 stigs
Salt required
Asafoetida one pinch
Til seeds optional


Roast horsegram in a dry pan without oil.
followed by chenna dal, black gram till the roasted smell emanated.
Add red and chillies .
Add curry leaves.
Roast and salt and asafoetida should be added finally.
Keep aside..

Let all the roasted ingrediests get cool
Grind in a dry mixe jar to coarse powder.

Idlipodi is ready now.
Mix with gingelly oil
use this podi as a side dish to your hot idlies, dosai, paniyaram, plain oothappam. quick and nutritious side dish.

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