Sunday 7 December 2014


This is a very low-calorie vegetable rich in dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. This vegetable can be included for weight reduction diet. And  its seeds are also very rich in dietary fiber, mono- unsaturated fatty acids. We will remove the seeds when we use to cook a dish using pumpkin and dry out the pumpkin seeds in the sun and keep it for later use.
Try  frying the sun-dried seeds by adding oil and chili powder, asafoetida and salt and have as a snack.

Ingredients :

pumpkin one
mustard seeds one spoon
chenna dal one spoon
urad dal one spoon
shallots peeled and chopped one cup
red chillies slit three
Sambar powder one spoon
turmeric one pinch
asafoetida one pinch
curry leaves one cup
cooking oil one tablespoon
grated coconut half cup
jaggery powder one spoon
salt as needed
coriander leaves finely chopped

Procedure :

Remove the outer rigid skin and cut the pumpkin into even cube shape bits.
Remove the inner part with seeds.
Collect the seeds and dry in sunlight and store them for future use.
Heat the cooking oil in a pan.
Add mustard seeds, urad dal, channa dal.
Allow them to splutter.
Add onions, curry leaves and red chilies
Add turmeric and sambar powder.
Add asafoetida.
Add pumpkin bits and saute a while.
Sprinkle water
Add salt.
followed by jaggery.
Cover it.
Allow to cook for a minute.
It is cooked fast.Let the flame in medium level.
Remove the lid. Notice the water absorbed completely.
Add grated coconut and coriander leaves.
Mix them with a ladle.
pumpkin porial ready to serve as side dish to hot rice. It goes well with curd rice.

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