Thursday 25 December 2014


This juice is a great server to easy digestion, refreshment, detoxification,
lowering and balancing bloodpressure.
suitable to all seasons. can be loved by all ages from children to elders.
Lime one
sugar or candy powder three teaspoons
salt half spoon
Asafietida one pinch
Roasted cumin seeds and pepper and powdered two small teaspoons
Mint leaves few (optional)
water cold or ordinary three cups
Cut the lime and sqeeze the juice in a vessel.
Add water.
followed by salt and sugar.
Add cumin pepper powder which are prepared for rasam.
Add asafoetida.
Mix until the sugar dissolved.
Juice ready....
Quick energizer to your tired body.
healer of digestion complaints,
bp balancer, detoxifier..If you have this juice regularly at noon or any time, your body health will be fit throughout the day.

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